Volunteer Mutual Expectations in relation to GenerosCityTM initiatives at Holy Sepulchre (the “Church”)     

The GenerosCityTM programme of initiatives, coordinated by the Church, is about collaboration, sharing knowledge, working and innovating together, and delivering on a range of activities to build community in our city and change lives, directly as well as by helping local front-line agencies, charities and schools address food and hygiene poverty, personal care and related issues, and as you get involved, we support your wellbeing too.

My commitments as a GenerosCityTM volunteer

I understand that I am taking on the role of a volunteer for Generoscity for the period of using my volunteer hours, I recognise my role and respect that there is potential for vulnerable adults and children to be present.

As a volunteer, I agree to:

  • Do the tasks I have agreed to do as well as I can

  • Treat all those I deal with kindly and respectfully

  • Follow any policies and instructions used by the team GenerosCityTM Volunteer Coordinator appointed for the event or activity

  • Undertake any training that is needed for my role

  • Accept support and guidance for my role and cooperate with those responsible if there are any problems that need resolving

  • Let the Volunteer Coordinator know about any circumstances or issues that might affect what I can do, so that support can be offered where possible

  • Let Volunteer Coordinator know if I am unable to volunteer at a time that was agreed and to arrange a replacement if that is appropriate

  • Recognise that as a church, there is the potential for vulnerable children and adults to be present and recognise my role and respect their privacy

  • Adhere to any specific code of conduct applicable to any charity organisation we are working with, subject to them being shared in advance, recognising where there is a conflict, the Holy Sepulchre’s Code of Conduct and wellbeing of those in the church takes priority.

Holy Sepulchre’s commitment to GenerosCityTM volunteers

As a Church, offering opportunities to volunteer we commit to:

  • Respect volunteers as an important part of our organisation and community

  • Provide volunteers training and support so that they know what they are doing and can do it safely

  • Tell each volunteer who they will be supported by and accountable to

  • Reimburse out of pocket expenses as agreed, where agreed in writing in advance

  • Keep personal information confidential

  • Treat volunteers fairly and in line with good working and volunteering practices

Our safeguarding Policy can be found HERE.

Our Privacy Policy can be found HERE
