
We believe that caring for God's creation is an integral part of our mission.  We are members of the Eco Church scheme run by the Christian environmental charity A Rocha, through which we are working to become 'greener' in all aspects of the church's life:  in our liturgy and learning together, in our buildings and garden, in campaigning and getting involved in environmental issues, in our local community around Holborn and in our own personal lifestyles.

The Benefice of Holy Sepulchre includes: Christ Church Greyfriars and St Leonards Foster Lane, and includes some lovely green spaces, including: The Garden of Remembrance, Christ Church Greyfriars Church Garden, Postman Park, St John Garden Farringdon (although this is vested in St James Clerkenwell). These spaces are available for use by the community. Please get in touch.

Auditing your Eco lifestyle 


Changing our personal lifestyles is essential if we’re to worship God with heart, soul, mind and strength – and love our neighbours as ourselves. ‘We all need to make a complete, radical and honest audit of our lifestyles, their impact on the poor and on the planet,’ said A Rocha UK co-founder Dave Bookless, ‘and to ask God to pinpoint where we should start making changes.’ 


It’s not always easy to know where to start, or how to get buy-in from other members of the family! A personal lifestyle audit helps you identify where you are doing well and where you could improve. There are many available measuring slightly different things. Focus on your personal decisions at home rather than corporate decisions of the church body, by using the Creation Care website. The seven categories of questions are in the same areas as the Eco Church survey so the resources we have provided will help you at home as well as at church: 

• Worship and prayer 

• Home 

• Garden 

• Community and global engagement 

• Travel 

• Food 

• Possessions 

Individuals can take the Creation Care survey alone or churches can register as well. As households participate, the church they belong to, will see the collective impact of individual choices. Creation Care and A Rocha UK, encourage churches and individuals to participate. Here is a link to undertaking your own survey https://creationcare.org.uk/members/ 

Further information is also available at https://creationcare.org.uk and in the attached https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/L4-Auditing-your-lifestyle.pdf