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From Darkness To Light: Inspirational choral music from Finzi to Howells

  • Holy Sepulchre London Holborn Viaduct London, EC1A 2FD United Kingdom (map)

An evening of glorious music awaits you in the majestic setting of the Musicians’ Church, and includes a not to be missed, rarely performed An English Mass by Herbert Howells. 

7:30pm Tuesday 1st April 2025
Holy Sepulchre London, Holborn Viaduct, EC1A 2DQ, London, EC1A 2DQ

Finzi | Requiem da Camera
Howells | An English Mass
Bob Chilcott | My Prayer
Farrar | Margaritae Sorori
Rota | Sonata per orchestra da camera

Friendship links three of the works in our programme: Farrar, Finzi, Howells, and Harold Darke (organist of St Michael’s Cornhill 1916-1966). Finzi’s beautiful and intimate Requiem da Camera was written in memory of his esteemed teacher Ernest Farrar, killed in the final days of the First World War, and Farrar’s moving and lyrical partsong Margaritae Sorori which follows is a fitting valediction. 

Howells wrote his turbulent An English Mass, a work full of agony and ecstasy, for Darke and his The St Michael’s Singers in the year after the disastrous first performances of his vast Missa Sabrinensis.

Early Bird concert Ticket £22 (to 10/3/25)
Full price concert Ticket £25 (after 10/3/25)
Students £10, Under-12s free

Exciting Collaboration with Friends of City Churches (FCC)
We are offering a combined church walk and concert ticket.  Steve Walsh, an experienced FCC guide, will lead an hour's exploration of Smithfield, finishing at Holy Sepulchre in time for City Chamber Choir's concert.

Members of FCC can purchase the special price of £28 for the combined experience, non-members for £32

The walk will start at 5:45pm (for 6pm) meeting outside Barbican tube station and ends at Holy Sepulchre in time for the City Chamber Choir concert starting at 7:30pm.



Earlier Event: 31 March
Community Choir
Later Event: 3 April