It all started over 50 years ago when Prof John Lumley was the organist at Christ Church Woburn Square. When Christ Church was closed, he transferred the choir and orchestra to St Bartholomew’s Hospital where he was a consultant surgeon. Hospital staff joined the choir and the orchestra and from then on – concerts have been performed in the Great Hall at Barts Hospital. All proceeds from the regular concerts and the Come and Sing events have been donated to the Cancer Unit at Barts – raising approximately £2.5K a year.
Over the 50 years, the choir and orchestra have also undertaken 11 tours abroad, often supported financially through benefactors, - Rome in 1983 where we performed in St Peters Sq. for the Pope, Israel 1984, Florence 1985 and many other places! The tours were an amazing experience for all those who took part.
2023 has been the 900th year for both St Bartholomew’s Hospital and the priory church of St Bartholomew the Great – both founded in 1123 by a monk called Rahere. The celebrations have been amazing, but the end of the year has seen the closing of our venue for 50 years – the Great Hall - for renovation. John Lumley searched the City of London Churches and the final outcome has been for us to be part of Holy Sepulchre Newgate – the Musician’s Church – how appropriate and how happy we are to have a new home for a few years during the renovation of the Great Hall.
Our thanks to the Holy Sepulchre Team who have been so welcoming and supportive.