Hiring Terms and Conditions
Standard Conditions of Hire
1. THE HIRER shall pay the hire fees in advance as directed. Such payment shall only be refundable to the Hirer in the event of the PCC cancelling the booking. The PCC reserves the right to change or cancel the booking due to overriding Church requirements giving at least 48 hours’ notice. or if exceptional unforeseen circumstances arise giving as much notice as possible.
2. IF THE HIRER wishes to cancel the booking and the PCC is unable to arrange a replacement booking, the PCC may at its absolute discretion refund the fees but shall be under no obligation to do so. In the event of the PCC cancelling the booking the fees paid by the Hirer relating to the specific future cancelled dates only, shall be refunded.
3. THE HIRER shall ensure that the Rules (in appendix B) governing the use of the premises are complied with.
4. THE HIRER shall during the period of hiring, be responsible for supervision and security of the premises, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements (if any) so as to avoid obstruction of the highway.
5. THE HIRER shall be responsible for obtaining any local authority or other licences necessary in connection with the booking, other than those (if any) already held by the PCC. The Hirer shall also be responsible for all any copyright payments as such to artists or PRS etc for the use of any music and
6. THE HIRER shall be responsible for making adequate arrangements to insure against any third-party claims which may lay against the Hirer or his/her organisation whilst using the premises.
7. THE HIRER shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations affecting the premises imposed by the Licensing Justices, the Fire Authority, and the Local Authority or otherwise.
8. THE HIRER shall not sub-let or use the premises for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way or do anything or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the premises, their users, or any insurance policies relating thereto.
9. THE HIRER shall indemnify the PCC in respect of the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the building during, or as a result of, a booking and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the premises pursuant to the booking.
10. THE HIRER shall, and subject to written approval, if selling goods on the premises, comply with all relevant fair-trading laws and any local code of practice issued in connection with such sales.
11. THE HIRER acknowledges that no tenancy is intended to be created between the PCC and the Hirer and no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between them.
12. THE HIRER is reminded that they are responsible for any accident or injury arising out of the activity for which they have hired the premises. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the premises are safe for the purpose for which they intend to use them. THE HIRER must, in the event of an accident, as soon as possible provide the information requested in Appendix C to a Churchwarden or other Church Officer who will complete the accident book.
13. THE HIRER shall abide by the PCC Safeguarding Policy, signing the statement provided in Appendix D to acknowledge that this has been seen and that all concerns relating to abuse of a vulnerable person will be reported to the relevant statutory authority.
14. Subject to agreement in writing from both parties, any alterations or additions to times/dates listed by this agreement will result in this contract applying to the revised times/dates.
15. THE HIRER agrees that no recording, filming, or broadcasting will take place, without prior permission in writing.
16. In the event of any differences arising in connection with the effect of the provisions of this Licence such differences shall be referred to the Chancellor for the time being of the Diocese of London whose decision shall be final.
Before arrival:
Please ensure that the Operations Manager is given a minimum of 72 hours notice of any special requirements you may have e.g. mobility, hearing/sight impaired etc.
Upon arrival:
Where applicable, You will be met by the Duty Officer in the church foyer, five minutes prior to the commencement of your hire period, unless otherwise pre-arranged.
Where applicable, you will be issued with access codes to restricted areas.
The Duty Officer will introduce you to your hire space and make you aware of any relevant Health and Safety and Evacuation procedures.
During the hire period:
You are free to come and go through your designated hire period and the public spaces for the duration of your hire. Please do, however, be considerate of the staff and church users also on site.
The church must not be left unattended at any point during the duration of the hire. If you wish to vacate the building for any length of time you must first check that the Duty Officer is in attendance.
Under no circumstances should any Items of furniture or equipment be moved during the duration of the hire without prior permission from the Operations Manager. Your duty Officer retains the right to see written proof of these permissions.
If you have any questions or problems, please approach the Duty Officer in the first instance.
All noise must cease by 10.00 pm, unless prior permission for a late event has been granted by the Operations Manager.
Please leave the space in the state in which you found it. You may be subject to an additional cleaning charge if the space or kitchen and/or toilets are found to be in an unacceptable condition after your hire.
Covid Checklist
No regulations are currently In place. These requirements may be put Into practice at short notice If there Is a change In government guidance.
This checklist provides safeguards to maintain the safety of all users whilst government regulations are in place in relation to Covid-19.
Please ensure that all requirements are adhered to on every use of the Church and email a copy of the completed checklist within 24 hours of your use to office@hsl.church
Full compliance is required but please be truthful in completing the checklist. The PCC will speak to you if it notes continued non- compliance. It reserves the right to withdraw use of the premises with immediate effect as it sees fit.
1. Ensure that group attendance (including group leaders) does not exceed the numbers quoted in Government guidelines at the time of meeting
2. The group leader to enter and exit via the rear entrance in Snow Hill Court
3. Ensure all attendees enter the building via the main gated entrance on Holborn Viaduct. The gate should be locked once all attendees have arrived. Ensure current Government guidelines on social distancing are followed as they arrive. Use signage if necessary. Attendees can exit via the back door in the corridor to the toilets/kitchen.
4. Supply hand sanitiser and put in an appropriate place, unless it has been agreed with the Operations Manager that you can use the church sanitiser.
5. Ensure all other attendees use hand sanitiser on entering.
6. Supply face masks/esnure attendees bring their own, and ensure all attendees wear one unless exempt (including in relation to performing arts guidance)
7. Provide safe means for attendees to record their name and contact details; retain each day’s record for 21 days. Alternatively, ask attendees to scan in using the QR code poster.
8. Ensure that attendees maintain at all times the distance specified in Government guidelines at the time of meeting (currently, mitigating factors reducing the need to maintain the 2-metre distance include the use of hand sanitiser and wearing masks).
9. In the case of choir rehearsals - Ensure that people take their seat on arrival and stay seated other than to use toilet facilities for the duration of the meeting, with the exception that singers would normally stand whilst they are singing.
10. Ensure that all written instructions displayed in the church are adhered to.
11. Ensure that kitchen facilities are not used unless prior permission has been granted.
12.Ensure that people are advised of the need to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds after using the toilet.
13. Ensure that only the areas needed for entrance and exit, the main hall and toilets are used. Please do not enter any other areas unless listed in your hire contract.
14. Ensure that people exit the building via the main gated entrance on Holborn Viaduct and maintain the appropriate distance.
15. Where another hire within 72 hours, the Group Leader to wipe down chairs, door handles and other surfaces used before leaving the building.
APPENDIX B. 2 – Code of Conduct for Hirers
This Code of Conduct applies to all use of any part or parts of the Holy Sepulchre, London Church Buildings (hereafter referred to as “Church buildings”).
General usage code:
1. No smoking is allowed on the premises of any of the Church buildings and anyone who does not comply will be required to leave. The Hirer undertakes to escort to the exterior any guest or other visitor who does not comply.
2. Sale of tickets on Church premises must take place inside the Church buildings and not be visible from outside the doors.
3. The Hirer is responsible for the interim storage in bins it has itself provided and for the removal of all rubbish, and placement in blue bin in Snow Hill Court. This should amount to no more than 3 black bags in total. Any rubbish In excess of 3 blacl bags should be taken away by the hirer. For reasons of hygiene, to keep exit routes clear, and to avoid nuisance to other users or to neighbours, at no time may rubbish be left on the street or on the floor adjacent/around the bins.
Event content:
1. All events, including scripted performances, song lyrics, art and images, concerts and filming, must be suitable for the Church and be respectful of Christian teachings.
2. The holding, or reproduction for recorded purposes, of religious ceremonies is not permitted in any of our venues.
3. Permission will not be given to productions that would be damaging to the mission and reputation of the Church, or that promote violence, promiscuity, abuse or other offensive activity (whether in language or visual content). Anyone planning a production which may compromise the standing of our church community, should approach the Church’s appointed representative (or their delegated nominee) to seek approval. A failure to make an approach for approval risks putting the event in jeopardy.
4. All public events, or those requiring an entertainment license must state in their programme that ‘the views expressed in this event are that of the contributors; they do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Church of England or Holy Sepulchre London’.
Access & care of fabric:
1. A single agreed route shall be available for getting large items of equipment into and out of Church premises and this shall be the only one used. To avoid damage, the Hirer shall protect with plywood the doors and door frames of this route.
2. If wheeled equipment is being run in and out of buildings, the Hirer shall lay down a "runway" of shuttering ply to protect the stone floors. This is particularly important with heavy items with small castors, such as pianos.
3. Any furniture in the Church buildings shall be kept well away from the walls and columns (a minimum distance of 1 foot). The Hirer shall not move any furniture themselves other than with the express agreement and under the supervision of Holy Sepulchre staff.
4. Access is not allowed into any areas other than that agreed with Holy Sepulchre staff.
5. There shall be no fixings of any description into the walls, ceilings or floors. There shall be no fixings by adhesive tape or any other sort of adhesive to any surfaces unless it is with the express agreement of the Holy Sepulchre staff and then only with low tack type of adhesives.
6. Dry ice or smoke machines are not permitted.
7. The Hirer shall in good time consult the venue staff over the timetable for the event which shall include details on set up, storage, and clear down times, and the Event itself, and taking into account the preparation and finish times associated with any Church services and events.
8. The Hirer shall strictly observe and ensure that all its permitted subcontractors, guests and other visitors strictly observe the nightly curfew as a strict cut-off for the departure of guests and other visitors, and for the comings and goings by caterers or other services; at the curfew time, the doors will be locked. The Hirer shall (both before and after such hour) take all reasonable steps to minimise the potential disturbance and annoyance to those living near the Church Buildings.
Health and Safety:
1. The Hirer shall (in addition to the Fee) bear the cost of providing adequate premises security as deemed necessary by the Holy Sepulchre Manager. It is the Holy Sepulchre staff’s right to request appropriate security cover; this will be done in consultation with the Hirer, but it is the hirers responsibility to ensure, and demonstrate that there is adequate security for the event . Where (with the Holy Sepulchre staff’s prior consent) security personnel are provided by the Hirer, the Hirer shall ensure that they cooperate with and comply with the directions of the Holy Sepulchre team.
2. The Hirer shall be responsible for providing at the event, organising and briefing sufficient numbers of stewards and qualified first aiders and the entertainment licence and any additional licence or permit and the conditions pursuant thereto.
3. All emergency signs, fire extinguishers and the like shall be left in their proper positions at all times and shall not be covered up or obscured.
4. The Hirer shall comply strictly with all notices and directions concerning procedures for fires or other emergencies and not permit any emergency route or exit to be obstructed or impeded or any emergency lighting to be obscured.
5. The Hirer shall not allow the maximum permitted number of persons for any part of the building to be exceeded.
Food & Drink:
1. In any area, other than the kitchen, where food or drink is to be prepared or plated (i.e. areas for warming food, plating up or for preparing or serving drinks, including water) the surrounding floor shall be protected, before any such preparation or serving starts, with polythene/some other impermeable and easily cleanable surface under hardboard/shuttering plywood/carpet, if appropriate.
2. The Hirer shall ensure that adequate staff are on hand in order to ensure smooth-running of the event, including any removal of glasses or plates, cleaning of spillages or other ad hoc jobs pursuant to the Terms and Conditions or this Code of Conduct.
3. The Hirer shall ensure that adequate tables or protected surfaces are provided for the setting down of food and drink by guests or others.
4. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with these requirements, whether by means of signage, announcement, adequate staff, or otherwise; and to ensure that its staff immediately remove any such food or drink placed on floors or surfaces in contravention of these paragraphs.
5. All spillages must be cleared up immediately and all due precautions taken to prevent any staining of surfaces.
6. The Hirer shall ensure that, after the event, the Hired Parts are cleaned and the floors swept with the agreed timetable. Any unreasonable delays may be charged for.
7. There shall be no hot work of any description other than using approved catering equipment in the kitchen (or other location as may have been approved).
8. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that its caterers, where approved in advance, comply with this Code of Conduct whether or not the caterers have entered into a separate agreement with the Manager.
Technical details:
1. No flammable liquids or other hazardous materials are to be stored in or near the Church.
2. There shall be no alterations of any sort to the fixed electrical supply and outlets in the Church. Any temporary wiring for lights, sound systems, projectors and the like shall be carried out by a competent qualified electrician approved by the Buildings Manager and holding suitable insurance cover. All cables, wiring and equipment will be rigged so as to avoid creation of a trip hazard.
THE HIRER of the Holy Sepulchre is required to complete details of any accident or incident occurring during their occupation of the premises which did or could give rise to injury as soon as possible after the accident or incident but in any case, before the premises are vacated by the hirer after the event. Details provided by THE HIRER should Include;
Person injured:
Time of incident
Place incident occurred:
A Detailed description of accident / incident (including a description of any apparatus or equipment involved)
Witnesses (x2 where possible):
Signed witness statements should be obtained wherever possible.
THE HIRER agrees to abide by the ethos of the Statement on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk and that all concerns relating to abuse of vulnerable people will be reported to the relevant statutory authority. Confirmed by the person named in paragraph 8. B of the hiring agreement
Our safeguarding agreement can be found HERE Safeguarding — Holy Sepulchre London (hsl.church)
Our assembly point is on the corner of Guiltspur Street and Holborn Viaduct, opposite the Viaduct Tavern Public House.
The person who oversees the assembly point should report to the Lead Warden (who has been nominated the fire service liaison person) indicating all persons accounted for or whose missing and where they were last seen
Pull the Pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin releases a locking mechanism and will allow you to discharge the extinguisher.
Aim at the base of the fire, not the flames. This is important - in order to put out the fire, you must
extinguish the fuel.
Squeeze the lever slowly. This will release the extinguishing agent in the extinguisher. If the handle is released, the discharge will stop.
Sweep from side to side. Using a sweeping motion, move the fire extinguisher back and forth until the fire is completely out. Operate the extinguisher from a safe distance, several feet away, and then move towards the fire once it starts to diminish. Be sure to read the instructions on your fire extinguisher - different fire extinguishers recommend operating them from different distances.
Remember: Aim at the base of the fire, not at the flames!!!!
Sarah Finch
Mobile 07534222832
Email: Sarah@hsl.church
KEYHOLDERS (If applicable)
Holy Sepulchre London
Access Code Control
The Church has a varied population of staff, volunteers and individuals who require access to different sections of building for various purposes. The purpose of this policy is to regulate access to the church and make staff, volunteers, and individuals associated with the Church, aware of their respective responsibilities when access codes. Our aim is to establish reasonable personal security for users of the building and to assure the protection of people and property by minimising the opportunity for theft and damage through the control access codes to the church.
This Access Code Control Policy applies to all individuals issued with Access Codes or ‘Keyholders’.
Access Codes to Holy Sepulchre London will be provided to those persons who require them for successful fulfillment of their ministry(ies), employment, hiring of the building, upon approval of the Priest in Charge and/or The Operations Manager.
It is the responsibility of the Buildings Manager to provide the code(s) and properly train key holders regarding appropriate security procedures.
All persons issued with an access code are responsible for:
· Safe keeping of the access code including not sharing access code with any other person.
· Reporting any compromise to the access code immediately to the Operations Team.
· Regular users in receipt of access codes are responsible for informing the Church Office of any changes to group membership.
The Buildings Manager will maintain a list of all key holders. Access Codes will be changed regularly according to our key code protocol.
Where applicable, the person named In Paragraph 8.B of the Hiring Agreement, and on behalf of THE HIRER, confirms that they have received/ regularly receive access code(s). It is their responsibility to follow all guidelines as set forth in this acknowledgement:
· It is their responsibility to notify the Buildings Manager immediately if the access code(s) has/have been compromised.
· They will safeguard the access code(s) at all times to prevent unauthorised access to the church.
APPENDIX G – Original Application Form / as updated (where applicable)