The London Autism Group Charity is autistic-led and supports anyone in London (and surrounding counties) who is autistic, or supports someone autistic.
Come and chat to others who have experienced something similar, get advice, or simply relax with a warm drink.
No registration needed, just drop by!
Activites of the day
Music Therapy
Music therapy at our Activity Day sessions is suitable for people with Learning Difficulties and for complex needs. These sessions can have a benefit to mental health and well being.
There is a rule for carers of limiting your talking during the sessions as all the children have very limited or no speech. This puts everyone on a more equal footing. It can take the pressure off everyone in many ways and open up alternative forms of communication for all. For many, this is a liberating experience.
For those with communication and sensory difficulties, having things demanded of them can be very stressful. Music Therapy offers a low-demand environment where there is potential for learning new skills and interacting with others.
The music creates an atmosphere where the children have complete freedom within the provided space of simple instruments, cushions and some lycra sheets to wrap them in.
The participants in the group share the experience of the therapist playing the piano and the guitar, as well as the parents singing simple nursery rhymes.
A music therapist uses observation of a person's body language and actions to gauge their mood. They will then play music in the moment, which reflects those emotions. For example if a child is happy, sad or moody, then they will play music to reflect this. The music helps the group recognise and express their emotions in a safe relaxing environment.
Music Therapy gives the group an opportunity to bond with each other as they get used to coming to the sessions over time. They will get used to each other's habits and behaviours, which can lead to social interactions that would have been impossible outside of the setting.
Neurodivergent Artist's Collective
The aim of this project is that you will get to meet other neurodivergent artists, to discuss your work and the issues that you face getting into the Art industry.
Initially, we can talk about making this the collective Artist's experience that you feel is missing from London. The Charity can provide access to materials or expertise that you need. For example, if the group decides that a demonstration of a particular medium of art would be helpful, we can make that happen next time.
Going forward we have lots of scope to have larger events held in this church, on Employment and to educate people on Autism and on Mental Health.
We are keen to help the Neurodivergent Artist's collective to find helpful links with people, organisations and companies based in the area. Together we can explore ideas and ways to help raise all of your profiles as artists. There is scope for example for having an art exhibition to publicise your work in the future.
If you are a Neurodivergent Artist seeking community, and support in having a voice, then do come along to take part in these sessions.
Autistic Women's Group
This is the Autistic Women's Group for London Autism Group Charity. Meetings will be held monthly at the amazing venue of the Holy Sepulchre Church London.
This is an in-person forum to talk about issues that are particularly relevant to Autistic and Neurodivergent women.
There will be opportunities to learn about Neurodiversity, hearing from Autistic advocates and speakers on subjects that are important to you.
There will be opportunities to air your views and to talk about any problems you may be personally facing in a safe and confidential setting.
The conversation will be guided by our wonderful volunteers, to allow as many people as possible a chance to speak.
In this group our mission is one of acceptance and inclusion of all Autistic women (including those who are non-binary), with the aim of sharing experiences and giving peer support in a safe environment to foster connection and understanding for all.
Autistic Community Social Time
Sensory Tai Chi
This sensory Tai Chi programme was created by our Autistic Tai Chi expert Nick Fawcitt. It was designed to be inclusive for people who have Learning Disabilities, are Autistic and who have sensory associated conditions.
By sharing his techniques in Tai Chi, relaxation and mindfulness, Nick aims to open up a whole new sensory world to people, making them experience the world in a more sensory way.
This includes sensory story telling, visualisation, relaxing deep meditation and soft flowing movements.
In Nick's words:
'The sensory Tai Chi programme is not just a holistic therapy, it is a way of being, as we are all sensory associated creatures. Movement in a sensory world creates a safe, quiet, comfortable state of mind and a positive mindset'.
Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions, which will happen for the last hour of every Activity Day at the Holy Sepulchre London.
This enables everyone to unwind and relax in a silent environment, after their other busier social and group activities.
Our Vision:
One of our goals is to ensure that anyone wishing to learn about Autism can do so. To that end we aim to provide Workshops and speaking events where people can access information, increasing their knowledge and understanding.
One of our main aims here at London Autism Group Charity is promoting acceptance and inclusion. We aim to provide programmes to educate on the tenets of Neurodiversity, to improve public understanding. That difference does not mean deficit. This in turn will help increase good mental health and to reduce stigma.
One of the main reasons for the founding of London Autism Group was the lack of support for Autistic people and their families. We aim to address this with a comprehensive education programme for advocates across all areas of London.