A journey through the City in words and music for Lent
with the Square Mile Choral Scholars directed by Andrew Earis
Thursdays 17, 24 and 31 March at 6.00pm
17 March: Rev'd Nick Mottershead, Holy Sepulchre London
24 March: Rt Rev'd Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London, St Mary Abchurch 31 March: Rev'd Katherine Hedderly, Area Dean, St Mary Aldermary
The Square Mile Choral Scholars programme builds on the successful choral scholarship scheme at St Stephen Walbrook, supporting choral musicians at the start of their careers. It is a new initiative based at All Hallows by the Tower, working alongside other churches in the City, filling beautiful and unique sacred spaces with the glory and mystery of music for city workers, residents and visitors to London.
#SquareMileChurches www.squaremilechurches.co.uk